
The 12 zodiac signs, also known as the星座, are a popular subject in many cultures and are often associated with the different aspects of the human personality. In English, the zodiac is often translated as "the stars," but this name is not accurate as it does not accurately describe the stars' position on the sky. Instead, the English translation is more accurately "the signs of the zodiac," which refers to the 12 different ways that the sun appears on the sky over a 24-hour period. The 12 zodiac signs are named after the animals associated with the sun's journey through the sky, which are: 1. Aries (鹰) 2. Taurus (鹿) 3. Gemini (鸽子) 4. Cancer (熊) 5. Leo (狮子) 6.Virgo (蜜蜂) 7.Libra (天平) 8.Scorpio (蝎子) 9. Sagittarius (海盗) 10.Capricorn (豹) 11. Aquarius (水牛) 12. Pisces (鱼) The 12 zodiac signs are each associated with a different aspect of the human personality, and this association is well-known in many cultures. For example, Aries is associated with the energy of independence, while Taurus is associated with the energy of stability and commitment. Gemini is associated with the energy of communication and adaptability, while Cancer is associated with the energy of nurturing and empathy. Leo is associated with the energy of leadership and self-expression, whileVirgo is associated with the energy of knowledge and analysis. libra is associated with the energy of balance and harmony, while Sagittarius is associated with the energy of adventure and freedom. In English, the 12 zodiac signs are often translated as "the stars," but this name is not accurate as it does not accurately describe the stars' position on the sky. Instead, the English translation is more accurately "the signs of the zodiac," which refers to the 12 different ways that the sun appears on the sky over a 24-hour period. The 12 zodiac signs are a fascinating and fascinating subject, and understanding their relationship to the human personality is a powerful way to gain insight into the human condition. Whether you're a person who is fascinated by the zodiac and want to explore its connection to the human personality, or simply want to learn more about the different aspects of the human personality, the 12 zodiac signs can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness.
